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25 octobre 2004

Le site de Nono Futur. C'est trop grand pour être commenté. Tout est grand, en fait. Les chansons à télécharger, la publicité qui est à mourir de rire, tout quoi. Ca fait un quart d'heure que j'hurle de rire en passant de l'un à l'autre. On dirait du EFB qui aurait bouffé du Blair.

Un panneau sur un portail : "Attention, chien gentil - ne pas le mordre".

Fight Club

Quel type de blogueur suis-je ? Vous aimez l'art, la littérature, d'ailleurs vous avez un talent littéraire certain. Vous êtes à vous seul le comble du cynisme : Vous riez des pauvres gens qui regardent la télévision, des pauvres gens qui ont des crédits de vingt ans sur le dos, vous riez des yuppies, des nyppies, des babos, des pauvres, des riches, des bobos, des rappeurs, des ratés, de tout le monde et même -et surtout- vous riez de vous. La solution : Une boîte entière de Temestat un soir et adios ce monde putride de crotte qui part en sucette. Sauf qu'une boîte de Temestat ne vous tuera pas, et le pire étant que vous le savez très bien. Alors cette attirance pour la mort sans mourir vous fait passer parfois pour un(e) barge. Mais comme vous vous en foutez... Notre conseil : Oubliez l'idée que votre blog puisse être publié à titre posthume. [Bon, ce n'est pas faux, sauf que je suis trop autocentré pour me moquer des autres.]

J'ai joué avec un chaton ce matin, qui s'amusait à me monter dessus, à m'escalader completement, à monter sur mes épaules pour me donner des coups de museau derrière les oreilles en ronronnant comme un TDi. Très sympa.

Gyllenhaal en cow-boy pédé dans le prochain Ang Lee, j'ai dû mal à avaler ça. La question est : qui va faire l'Indien ?

pour les cochonnes"

- Jean-François Cohen (Vive l'amour)

No time for Kerry's Europhile delusions


Maybe I'm getting old. I've been covering politics for 53 years, and that's just since John Kerry's convention speech. I'm sick of this election, even before the Democratic Party's chad-diviners have managed to extend it to mid-December. These are serious times and the senator is not a serious man. And so we have a campaign that has a sharper position on Mary Cheney's lesbianism and the deficiencies of Laura Bush's curriculum vitae than on the central question of the age.

There are legitimate differences of opinion about the war, but they don't include Kerry's silly debater's points. On the one hand, the Tora borer drones that Bush "outsourced" the search for Osama bin Laden to the Afghans, though at the time he supported it ("It is the best way to protect our troops," he said in December 2001. "I think we have been doing this pretty effectively."). But, on the other, he claims he's going to outsource Iraq to the French and the Germans, though neither of them wants anything to do with it.

As for this Bush-failed-to-get-bin-Laden business, 2-1/2 years ago I declared that Osama was dead and he's never written to complain. There's no more evidence for his present existence than there is for the Loch Ness monster, which at least does us the courtesy of showing up as a indistinct gray blur on a photograph every now and again. Osama is lying low because he's in no condition to get up.

But, even if he weren't, that's a frivolous reductive way of looking at this war. He's not a general or head of state; he can't sign an instrument of surrender, and make all the unpleasantness go away. The enemy is an ideology that appeals to various loose groupings from the Balkans to Indonesia, as well as to entrepreneurial free-lancers like the shooter who killed two people at LAX on July 4, 2002. If Kerry's oft-repeated "outsourcing Osama" crack is genuinely felt, it shows he doesn't get this war. And, if it's just cheapo point scoring, it's pathetic.

Almost everything falls into that category. Iraq's messy. So? What isn't? America has no Colonial Office, no political administrators with decades of experience in far-flung climes; its occupation of Iraq was learnt on the fly, because there was no other way. But the ludicrous defeatism over what's at worst a partial success is unbecoming to a great nation. If the present Democratic-media complex had been around earlier, America would never have mustered the will to win World War II or, come to that, the Revolutionary War. There would be no America. You'd be part of a Greater Canada, with Queen Elizabeth on your coins and government health care.

Speaking of which, if there's four words I never want to hear again, it's "prescription drugs from Canada." I'm Canadian, so I know a thing or two about prescription drugs from Canada. Specifically speaking, I know they're American; the only thing Canadian about them is the label in French and English. How can politicians from both parties think that Americans can get cheaper drugs simply by outsourcing (as John Kerry would say) their distribution through a Canadian mailing address? U.S. pharmaceutical companies put up with Ottawa's price controls because it's a peripheral market. But, if you attempt to extend the price controls from the peripheral market of 30 million people to the primary market of 300 million people, all that's going to happen is that after approximately a week and a half there aren't going to be any drugs in Canada, cheap or otherwise -- just as the Clinton administration's intervention into the flu-shot market resulted in American companies getting out of the vaccine business entirely.

The war against the Islamists and the flu-shot business are really opposite sides of the same coin. I want Bush to win on Election Day because he's committed to this war and, as the novelist and Internet maestro Roger L. Simon says, "the more committed we are to it, the shorter it will be.'' The longer it gets, the harder it will be, because it's a race against time, against lengthening demographic, economic and geopolitical odds. By "demographic," I mean the Muslim world's high birth rate, which by mid-century will give tiny Yemen a higher population than vast empty Russia. By "economic," I mean the perfect storm the Europeans will face within this decade, because their lavish welfare states are unsustainable on their shriveled post-Christian birth rates. By "geopolitical," I mean that, if you think the United Nations and other international organizations are antipathetic to America now, wait a few years and see what kind of support you get from a semi-Islamified Europe.

So this is no time to vote for Europhile delusions. The Continental health and welfare systems John Kerry so admires are, in fact, part of the reason those societies are dying. As for Canada, yes, under socialized health care, prescription drugs are cheaper, medical treatment's cheaper, life is cheaper. After much stonewalling, the Province of Quebec's Health Department announced this week that in the last year some 600 Quebecers had died from C. difficile, a bacterium acquired in hospital. In other words, if, say, Bill Clinton had gone for his heart bypass to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, he would have had the surgery, woken up the next day swimming in diarrhea and then died. It's a bacterium caused by inattention to hygiene -- by unionized, unsackable cleaners who don't clean properly; by harassed overstretched hospital staff who don't bother washing their hands as often as they should. So 600 people have been killed by the filthy squalor of disease-ridden government hospitals. That's the official number. Unofficially, if you're over 65, the hospitals will save face and attribute your death at their hands to "old age" or some such and then "lose" the relevant medical records. Quebec's health system is a lot less healthy than, for example, Iraq's.

One thousand Americans are killed in 18 months in Iraq, and it's a quagmire. One thousand Quebecers are killed by insufficient hand-washing in their filthy, decrepit health care system, and kindly progressive Americans can't wait to bring it south of the border. If one has to die for a cause, bringing liberty to the Middle East is a nobler venture and a better bet than government health care.

Très intéressant, non ?

24 octobre 2004

La chanson des oeufs. Je pense que cela se passe de commentaire.

Sur le ring : - Vous vous définissez comme un « catholique du futur ». Qu'entendez-vous par là ?
Maurice G. Dantec - Que le futur est déjà là.

Powerline fait un recensement de l'augmentation des violences commises contre les partisans du Président Bush, choses dont on entend assez peu parler en France (ben oui, tout le monde sait que les républicains vont truquer les élections, donc, alors !). Assez intéressant, l'annonce d'un petit rebondissement prévu pour lundi, à paraitre dans le Washington Post.Quelque chose d'embarassant pour JFK.

All I want is peace in Middle-East... & a blowjob

Je suis sûr à 95 % que le ragazzo ci-dessus porte une Inova Microlight à la boutonnière (bon, je ne peux pas faire grand chose pour la paix au Moyen-Orient).

Pédale dure est décrit comme un film nauséabond. Je vais peut-être me laisser tenter.

Ouf. Avec 145 points, je ne suis pas un geek.

Une superbe interview de Maurice G. Dantec chez Sur le Ring. Indispensable. Non moins indispensables, les précédents entretiens que l'on peut lire chez le Stalker (tiens, d'ailleurs, on dit Stalker ou le Stalker ?).

J'ai récupéré une version polonaise de Dogma en DVD, et franchement, je suis vert. Sous-titrage polak obligatoire, très perturbant quand on essaye d'accrocher la VO, scènes coupées en dépit du bon sens (certaines scènes ont perdu plus de cinq minutes et donc toute cohérence), soucis d'encodage. J'ai craqué aux trois quarts. J'ai hésité un moment avant de le mater, mais je n'ai pas voulu tenir compte du présage de l'avalage de ma carte de location vidéo par le distributeur.

Mug Shot

Enchaîner Sacha Distel et Joanna Newsom, c'est chouette, mais c'est chaud quand même.

En travaillant dans un de ces immenses palais de marbre et de béton que compte la banlieue tropézienne, celui-là curieusement décoré dans un style arabo-andalou de toute beauté, je me suis rendu compte de l'absurdité de Carmen. "L'amour est enfant de Bohême, il n'a jamais connu de loi". Ok. Mais alors, pourquoi enchaîner directement sur un théorème physico-chimique d'attraction/répulsion. Un autre personnage aurait pu s'en charger ("Oh, mais tu sais, Carmen, en fait, il y a une exception à la règle, dont voici l'énoncé, etc."), mais non, il a fallu que Bizet gâche tout.

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index (page d'accueil)
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